- Miercoles, 4 de Noviembre 2009, 19ºº
- sede ZZZinc, Zamora 105, 4º-5ª, 08018 Barcelona (Metro Marina o Bogatell)
Presentations by Terike Haapoja(Finland) and Andy Gracie (UK/Spain) followed by a debate lead by Pau Alsina (Cataluña). bios below >>
Art historian Claire Bishop argues that the art of the 20th century was characterized by a process of decentring of the modern subject. Is this process of decentring continuing in the early 21st century, while facing the environmental crises? What is the position of “technoscientific art” in understanding the changing relations of human and non-human worlds? How do the discoveries of nature science and environmental ethics challenge our understanding of art?

Terike Haapoja/ Closed Circuit - Open Duration
In her talk Terike Haapoja will discuss the connections between scientific thought and the way new technology is applied to art projects. By referring to her exhibition project Closed Circuit – Open Duration and her PhD research she will examine the similarities and differences between scientific and artistic ideas of representation, and the connections of subjective and objective systems of knowledge.
Andy Gracie will present his recent work in the context of the continuous research process which underpins it. This work brings together poetic and critical approaches to intelligence, ecosystems, cybernetic systems, astrobiology and space research. The presentation will cover the philosophies of von Uexküll’s and Seboek’s ideas of Umwelt and biosemiotics, ideas about where the science of astrobiology is heading, the importance of walking and discourse about how and why to connect machines, software and living systems. http://www.hostprods.net/

Andy Gracie / Deep data
Terike Haapoja (b.1974) is a visual artist, working and living in Helsinki, Finland. Her work consists of videos, installations and performance projects, dealing with human-nature relations and characterized by innovative use of new media and new technlogy. Haapoja has a master´s degree from the Theater Academy of Finland (dep. of Performance art and -theory) and from the Academy of Fine Arts in Finland. She is currently working on her artistic reasearch PhD in the Academy of Fine Arts in Helsinki. The research focuses on the way nature scientific models are implicit in contemporary technoscientific art, and on the challenge of environmental ethics on art and its making.
Terike Haapoja (b.1974) es una artista visual, trabajando y viviendo en Helsinki, Finlandia. Su trabajo consiste en vídeos, instalaciones y proyectos perfomativos , tratando relaciones naturaleza-humana y siendo caracterizados por el uso innovador de nuevos medios y tecnologías. Haapoja tiene una licenciatura de la Academia de Teatro de Finlandia (dep. de arte de performativo y -teoria) y de la Academia de Bellas Artes en Finlandia. Está trabajando actualmente en su tesis doctoral en la investigación artística en la Academia de Bellas Artes en Helsinki. Su investigación enfoca en como los modelos de las ciencias naturales están implícitos en el arte technoscientific contemporáneo, y en el reto de éticas ambientales en el arte y en su producción.
Andy Gracie is an artist working with aspects of the natural and the artificial in ways which allow them to create information networks and share and influence behaviours. His work involves aspects of robotics, biology, ecosystems and software. The presentation will be an overview of past, present and near future projects.
Andy Gracie es un artista trabajando con lo natural y artificial en una manera en que pueden crearse redes de información y compartir e influir comportamientos. Su trabajo contiene aspectos de robótica, biología, ecosistemas y software. El presentación será una vista de proyectos pasados, actuales y futuros.
+info: http://hostprods.net
Pau Alsina teaches Arts and Humanities at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Director of Artnodes (art, science and technology space) at UOC. www.uoc.edu/artnodes.
Pau Alsina enseña Artes y Humanidades en Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Es director de Artnodes (espacio de arte, ciencia y tecnología) en UOC. www.uoc.edu/artnodes. —